What are people saying about us

  • Just a quick note to say Thank You for the training you did yesterday at HART St Ives. I’ve done 1st aid training since 8/9 years of age with Cubs, then Scouts, Senior Scouts and for 20 off years with Surf Life Saving. You would think I should know more Everyone I spoke with after yesterday’s course were please with the training and I thought it very smooth, engaging and arguably the best 1st aid course I’ve attended. The passion and skills that you possess certainly shine through.

    David, H.A.R.T Training School

  • Thank you Billy C for your instruction during our training. Also, Steph, thank you for arranging everything so that I could join in with Hills Adventist College yesterday to be able to retain and update my skills.

    Lyn W, Hills Adventist College

  • Guess what? I had my first emergency to deal with today. Chest pain ?cardiac episode. I was commended on displaying excellent leadership and management! I used the app and everything!Thanks to my awesome trainer

    Nicole, UNSW Global Education

  • Hi Bill, Thanks very much for today, we all had a bit a fun for a change. All the best

    Michael Carlyon

  • Hi Bill, Thanks again for all the training, laughs and your expert knowledge provided to us. We all felt unpressured and did not get stressed about what we had to do and there was plenty of encouragement if at first we did not succeed. Thanks again and we would certainly recommend you to others

    Robyn, Galston OOSH

  • We found the first aid training by Bill from First Aid Everyday to be of a high value to our team. It was delivered in an effective and efficient way that all participants could comprehend. Bill used real examples and explained each scenario clearly and made it also relevant to our context. We look forward to using First Aid Everyday for all our future training needs.

    Belinda, Early Learning Centre, Castle Hill

  • Please let me tale this opportunity to thank you for presenting an amazing course for all our participants. Each one told me that they enjoy and learnt heaps. We will have no hesitate in commending you to any other dealership that require First Aid Training.

    Ivan, Castle Hill Toyota

  • Thank you so much for your wonderful training session today. Everyone has spoken about how well and smoothly it went ahead. Thank you for sharing your expertise and knowledge with us

    Toni, Moore Management

Course Costs

  • HLTAID009 - Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - $90/student

    Price includes emailed pdf certificate. Hardcopy printed certificate and wallet card can be purchased at an extra cost of $10/student

  • HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid - $150/student

    Price includes emailed pdf certificate. Hardcopy printed certificate and wallet card can be purchased at an extra cost of $10/student

  • HLTAID012 - Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting - $180/student

    Price includes emailed pdf certificate. Hardcopy printed certificate and wallet card can be purchased at an extra cost of $10/student

Still unsure what course to do?